Proyecto de la banda Tiamat, especificamente del líder Johan Edlund. This Dollar Saved My Life At Whitehorse es el único album de la banda hasta la fecha.
Genero/Genre: Goth Rock
Año/Year: 2001
País/Country: Suecia
Servidor: Mediafire
1. Baby Com On (She's a Devil of a Woman)
2. Thouand Million Dollars in the Fire
3. Mistress of the Night
4. Over and Out
5. As Pure as S.I.N.
6. Automatic
7. Perfect Crime
8. U Can Have All My Love 2nite
9. Sharp Dressed Man - Lucyfire, Gibbons
10. Annabel Lee
11. The Pain Song
1. Baby Com On (She's a Devil of a Woman)
2. Thouand Million Dollars in the Fire
3. Mistress of the Night
4. Over and Out
5. As Pure as S.I.N.
6. Automatic
7. Perfect Crime
8. U Can Have All My Love 2nite
9. Sharp Dressed Man - Lucyfire, Gibbons
10. Annabel Lee
11. The Pain Song
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